Refunds and Returns

Please note: As an affiliate website, we do not directly handle refunds or returns for any products purchased through AliExpress.

Return and refund policies are established by individual sellers on AliExpress. Therefore, the specific process for returning or requesting a refund on your purchase will vary depending on the seller you choose and the product you buy.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Most AliExpress sellers offer a return and refund policy: However, the timeframe for returns, acceptable reasons for return, and any restocking fees may differ.
  • It’s crucial to review the seller’s return and refund policy clearly stated in the product listing on AliExpress before making your purchase.
  • In some cases, the seller may handle returns according to the specific listing details. This means the return policy for a particular item might differ from the seller’s general store policy.

Here’s how to find the seller’s return and refund policy:

  1. Visit the product listing on AliExpress.
  2. Locate the “Shipping & Payment” or “Return Policy” section.
  3. Carefully review the information provided by the seller regarding returns and refunds.

Additional Tips:

  • Contact the seller directly through AliExpress if you have any questions regarding their specific return and refund policy for a particular product.
  • Keep a record of your purchase and any communication with the seller in case you need to refer back to it later.
  • Be aware that return shipping costs may be your responsibility, depending on the seller’s policy.

Remember: We strive to connect you with reputable sellers on AliExpress. However, it’s your responsibility to understand and agree to the seller’s individual return and refund policy before making a purchase.

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